New UNESCO report shows COVID-19 leaving vulnerable children behind
B.T.L foundation working with the reports of the UNESCO on global education monitoring report highlighted the following:
- UNESCO estimated almost 260millions children had no access to school two years ago.
- UNESCO says education inequality have increased globally during pandemic.
- UNESCO urge government to consider vulnerable children when school reopen. More than 90% of students affected by school shutdown during virus emergency.
- Half of world’s out of school children are in sub-Saharan africa.
- 17million children don’t have access to education in Arabs world and northern africa.
- 12million children deprived of school in Latin America and Caribbean.
UNESCO says millions of children missing school due to Poverty, Financial barrier and Discrimination…
One of the major objectives of BTL foundation is to cater for vulnerable children in the society without access to basic education because one of the ways of alleviating poverty of the mind is through education.
The B.O.T of the foundation recognized that Education pave way for infrastructural, scientific, technological, socio- cultural and general community development.
The Reason B.T.L foundation Board of trustees and functional executives has adopted different educational programmes/Policies to cater for vulnerable children and other out of school children when schooling activities
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